Uncovering Cicada Wiki

For those without Tor and fancy consoles there's sometimes a clearnet Java-based forwarder running on http://codeseekah.com/cicada/console.html (uptime not guaranteed), also clearnet codeseekah.com:3301 will get you the forwarded console (http://codeseekah.com/cicada/console.newnym.php forces a new identity request in case console is not operational, may help, but don't do it frequently).

This is how telnetting console looked:

 Web browsers are useless here.

      ,+++77777++=:,                    +=                      ,,++=7++=,,
    7~?7   +7I77 :,I777  I          77 7+77 7:        ,?777777??~,=+=~I7?,=77 I
=7I7I~7  ,77: ++:~+7 77=7777 7     +77=7 =7I7     ,I777= 77,:~7 +?7, ~7   ~ 777?
77+7I 777~,,=7~  ,::7=7: 7 77   77: 7 7 +77,7 I777~+777I=   =:,77,77  77 7,777,
  = 7  ?7 , 7~,~  + 77 ?: :?777 +~77 77? I7777I7I7 777+77   =:, ?7   +7 777?
      77 ~I == ~77= +777 777~: I,+77?  7  7:?7? ?7 7 7 77 ~I   7I,,?7 I77~
       I 7=77~+77+?=:I+~77?     , I 7? 77 7   777~ +7 I+?7  +7~?777,77I
         =77 77= +7 7777         ,7 7?7:,??7     +7    7   77??+ 7777,
             =I, I 7+:77?         +7I7?7777 :             :7 7
                7I7I?77 ~         +7:77,     ~         +7,::7   7
               ,7~77?7? ?:         7+:77777,           77 :7777=
                ?77 +I7+,7         7~  7,+7  ,?       ?7?~?777:
                   I777=7777 ~     77 :  77 =7+,    I77  777
                     +      ~?     , + 7    ,, ~I,  = ? ,


Not a webserver.

The command you typed
Does not seem to exist
But countless more do.

command not found

Not a typewriter


Command: help, get help

Output: help, [number] (or number [number]), count [phrase], hello

Command [number]: outputs factors for a number (or series of numbers), if number is a prime, tries to factor the reverse of it, if number is palindrome outputs +, if word between numbers - outputs ..., max number is 0xffffffffffffffff anything beyond outputs 0 0

Command: hello, hi, get message, get 3301, get 1033

Output: http://pastebin.com/uCTgE2KA

Command: clue, hint, get hint

Output: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=tbbZd5vy https://pastee.org/tjdbs

Command: primes

Output: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=xGY4pbHV note: some ptimes are missing, might be relevant

Missing primes: http://uncovering-cicada.wikia.com/wiki/What_We_Know#Telneting_PRIMES

Command: exit, bye, goodbye, quit Command: cicada, adacic - outputs a +

Error messages are output at random for commands that are invalid (6 in total):

?SYNTAX ERROR, Not a typewriter, The command you typed Does not seem to exist But countless more do., Bad command or file name, command not found, %3301, unrecognized command \?\

  Other notes:

- reacts to as little as "get http" to close connection (partial GET / HTTP/1.x), does not react to all other HTTP verbs; has a peculiar bug wherein getting a file with an extension (js, txt, etc.) actually falls through to the shell.

- does not interpret special characters, apart from underscore _, all other characters (punctuation) are stripped; tabs are also not stripped, another character is EOT (end of transmission) 0x03, a.k.a. ^C, a.k.a. Ctrl-C makes the server unresponsive but connected.


the console has been bruteforced with the following:

1. [dict] where dict is a common words dictionary (12Dicts http://wordlist.sourceforge.net/ 2of12.txt)

2. get [dict] same as above

3. get [prime] where prime is one of first 10,000 primes

4. number [dict] see 1 and 2

5. random numbers and /dev/urandom

6. all 2- and 3-character wide alphas (aa, ab, ac... aaa, aab... zzz)

...to no avail

For users who cannot access the terminal, soulseekah coded an analog of the 'Count' function available at http://codeseekah.com/cicada/count.html (which is buggy, fixes welcome)

Ideas for people to try:

- Has anybody tried counting the number of 7's in the ASCII pic that the console gives? -Parzifal
